Friday 28 September 2007

the roof ther roof

well after a weeks delay for what ever reason (i'm sure they have a good reason) they worked today like little speedy gonzalis and started this is what we have so far.

Thursday 13 September 2007


Just a quick update. The brick work was completed on the 10th and the roof guys are starting on Friday (which would be tomorrow), and the bank has respectfully requested their $44, 000 worth of brick money. I was hoping that they were going to forget about it. Oh well. More pics when the roof is on.

Saturday 1 September 2007

nearly there

Just a few photos of the bricks going up there is only the side of the garage walls, the theatre walls and the front walls to go. I love my WIR. Told they will be all done by the end of the week. Hope there are a few spare bricks for the letterbox :)